About Us

Our Story

It is believed that fireflies are messengers, tasked with reminding us that there is magic and creativity all around us. The Firefly Terrace is a Do It Yourself art studio that encapsulates the spirit of these luminous creatures.

Built with love, we are an all-inclusive community embracing creative expression and collaboration. We strongly believe that through art and creativity, we have the power to acquire knowledge, express our deepest emotions and forge meaningful bonds.

Through The Firefly Terrace we endeavour to make Do It Yourself art and craft easy and accessible. We aim to engage the young with stimulating and fun-filled activities and rekindle childhood memories for the old, through art.

It is a space where friends and family can gather around a table and create art that is beautiful, meaningful and enriching.It is your happy place in the city where you can pause, destress and appreciate the little joys of life through art.

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A Few Words About

Our Team

Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

How it Started

Hello, I’m Manasa Boggaram. Thank you for stopping by our website. Here I am, answering some of the most commonly asked questions about myself and my little venture.

No, I studied Journalism.
Nope. I started dabbling with arts and crafts only in 2017 when I started drawing mandalas. I was quite surprised with my own ability and I slowly discovered a skill I never knew I possessed. I couldn’t think I was good with arts and crafts, partly because I tanked the arts section in my career aptitude test after high school and partly because I never really explored this side of me.

So when I conceptualised the idea to start this studio, I was very particular about creating a space where people wouldn’t feel intimidated or nervous to dabble with art and craft. I wanted to help people explore their creative side and enjoy the process of creating something new, rather than worry about the end result.
I always enjoyed working out of cafes and one day I just wondered to myself about how amazing it would be, to have a space where I could go and make my mandalas. And that was my light bulb moment! I always had an entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to start something that I could proudly call my own. Thus began my journey towards creating The Firefly Terrace.

My journey with The Firefly Terrace thus far, has been all things wonderful. When I look back, I never imagined that people would love the studio the way they do. It feels extremely gratifying to hear people say that this is an extremely unique concept, or that we helped them get back to painting and crafting, or simply that we gave them a fun experience. I hope to continue growing The Firefly Terrace into a brand that people love and relate with, when it comes to all things DIY arts and crafts. What are you waiting for? Come down and create your masterpiece!

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